Purchase the album(s) on Bandcamp to support the project please. The Third album is slated to be released in 2025.
“Teasturbed” was a multidimensional community gathering project I founded in Seattle in 2019, aiming to create communal support for new mothers struggling with postpartum anxiety. As I moved to Austin in 2023 with my family, the Teasturbed project in its Seattle form ceased to exist, but I’m in the process of transforming it into a new project for its Austin revival, while staying on the subject of communal healing.
“HipHop without Borders” is a youth music that I established in 2018 after moving to the U.S. as a new immigrant. Originally planned for the visually impaired kids and then expanded to ESL students, at the heart of this workshop lies the goal of empowering children from all walks of life an intro to creative tools to overcome barriers to self-expression.